Current News/Events


1. Trinity 101: 9:15am— Join our pastors next Sunday for an “Introduction to Trinity” four-part class meeting on Sundays at 9:15am. This is a helpful step for guests who would like to know more about who we are, our values, and some distinctives.

2. Sunday Service: 10:30am— Jesus Prayer for Us: Unity (John 17:20-26) Pastor Stephen

3. Potluck— Everyone is invited after the morning service for a potluck lunch. Please bring main dishes/sides/desserts enough to feed your family and our guests.

4. Livestream Details— If you are unable to gather in person, join us here at 10:30am. 

5. Online Giving— Click here if you are physically unable to gather or if you prefer to give electronically.


1. Student D-Now, This Weekend!— Please pray for our students who are joining with other local churches in our area for a weekend of worship, Bible study, and tons of fun. The girls are staying at the Elsessers and the boys are staying with the Ferraros. Pray that God would use this time to build relationships and grow the student's love for the Lord. 

2. Spring Workday, Next Saturday, 9am-Noon— Every year we set aside a day to serve alongside each other in order to care for the building and grounds God has given us. We will have plenty of inside and outside jobs available. Stay as long or as little as you are able. 

3. Prayer Meeting, Next Sunday, 9:15am— Join us for prayer and refreshments as a church family before the Sunday morning service.

4. Men’s and Women’s Spring Small Groups— There is still time to jump into our newly formed small groups. Our groups will be intentionally small for the purpose of committed, relational depth over the course of 6-8 gatherings. Sign up in the lobby on Sunday! 

o 3/8 Spring Workday
o 3/16 Renovacion Church Presentation
o 3/16 Care Group
o 3/23 Spring Sunday School Begins