Current News/Events


1. Sunday Service: 10:30am— The Fruit of Love (John 15:9-17) Pastor Stephen

2. Worship Teams Lunch Social— If you are a current worship team member or have interest in serving the church through music or A/V, please join us for lunch next Sunday after the service. The Lazears have graciously opened their home and are providing pizza. Please RSVP here.

3. Livestream Details— If you are unable to gather in person, join us here at 10:30am. 

4. Online Giving— Click here if you are physically unable to gather or if you prefer to give electronically.

1. Student Gathering, Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm— Students, join us at the church building for games, snacks, and a lesson from Josh Larsen. 

2. Care Group Next Sunday— Members, gather together in homes for food and fellowship. Your group leader will reach out to you for details of your gathering.

3. Men’s and Women’s Spring Small Groups— We look forward to the launch of our spring men's and women's groups in early February. Our groups will be intentionally small for the purpose of relational intentionality. We ask that you consider committing to a study for 6-8 gatherings. The groups will have different locations, times, and topics. Further details and the sign up list are coming soon. 

4. Student D-now— March 1st we have our student D-now hosted by Grace Community Church here in Nashville. It is going to be a time for our students not only to learn what it looks like to worship with other like-minded churches but also a time to learn more about God and his Word through speakers and small group times. Register here!  (Register by Feb 5th for a D-Now Shirt!)

o 1/23-25 Elder Prayer & Planning Retreat
o 1/29 Student Gathering
o 2/2 Evening Potluck
o 2/2 Member Meeting